
At the age of six months, your baby is now old enough to recognize his/her surroundings and the also people around him. The senses of a baby are well developed and the baby tends to try and hold everything which comes into his/her grasp.

By this time the social relationship of the baby may include games involving touch, sights and sounds. Usually parents play sound games with the baby in which they make cooing and babbling sounds of the infant. The infant, in return, mimics these voices in a manner which amuses the parents.

Other activities include simple social games with the infant in which the parent holds the infant and gently turns or swings him/her. The reaction of the infant to this behavior is to firmly grasp or to hold on to the parent.

This is the stage wherein the infant reacts to everything and every behavior carried out in front of him/her. Visual interactions at this age include movement observations by the infant or simple games as peek-a-boo by the parents. Therefore, by the time an infant reaches his/her sixth month, sense of touch, smell and hearing are almost fully developed.

From about four months onwards, the baby can made to taste different foods and flavors. Though milk still remains the main nourishment, but cereals, vegetables and fruits slowly start to take centre stage.

These foods will gradually add calories, minerals, vitamins and fibre to his diet.

However, it is advisable to avoid hard foods until the child takes out of few teeth as this will take care of the choking risk. Till then it better to mash the food to form a smooth and thick paste so that the child can swallow easily. While ready to eat baby foods are available over-the-counter, but using fresh fruits and vegetables to prepare your child’s meal is more nourishing.

Avoid very salty, highly spiced or greasy food for the infant. Introduce new foods only one at a time, and only a teaspoonful at first. Egg should be introduced only once the child turns 9 months.